
Career Insights Powered by 1.3 Million Linkedin Job Postings

Data Pipeline, Visualization, & Anlalysis

3 months, 3 weeks and 5 days

A tool to help you navigate your chosen career path by deriving valuable career insights from the 2024 LinkedIn job market.

NASDAQ Insights & Visualization Platform With Plotly

Interactive & Modular Data Visualization Platform

2 months and 1 week

An interactive platform for visualizing NASDAQ stock data from 1963 to 2024.

PythonPlotly & DashNumPyPandasGit
Accessible Non-Profit Website Redesign Proposal

User-Centered Redesign & UI/UX Overhaul

1 month and 4 days

A proposed user-centered website redesign for a non-profit in Boulder, Colorado.

Codecademy Certified iOS Developer

Codecademy iOS Development Certificaiton

3 months, 2 weeks and 5 days

I earned an iOS Development certification from Codecademy as a result of months of hard work mastering Swift and SwiftUI.

Jammming: Custom Playlist Maker With React & Spotify API

React Web Application

1 week

A React-based web application that allows me to create and save playlists to my Spotify account remotely.

JavaScriptNode JsReact JsGitHTMLCSS
Ink: An OpenAI Powered T-Shirt Design Web Application

React Web Application

1 week

A web app utilizing 3D modelsand OpenAI to allow a user to test out different designs and logos on a 3D model of a T-shirt.

JavaScriptNode JsReact JsGitHTMLCSS